Eng MH, Khalili H, Vavalle J, Al-Azizi KM, Waggoner T, Southard JA, Fang K, Hahn RT, Lee J, Wang DD, Eleid MF, O'Neill WW, Abbas AE. 3-Year Outcomes of Balloon-Expandable Valves: 20-mm vs Larger Valves (≥23 mm). JACC. Cardiovascular interventions. 2024 Sep 9;17(17). 2041-2051.
May-Zhang AA, Benthal JT, Southard-Smith EM. Hybridization Chain Reaction for mRNA Localization in Single Cells from Mouse and Human Cryosections. Current protocols. 2022 May;2(2). e439. NIHMSID: NIHMS1800310.
Avila JA, Southard-Smith EM. In the Enteric Nervous System, It's All About Connections. Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology. 13(13). 346-347.
Avila JA, Southard-Smith EM. "Going the Extra Mile": A Sox10 Target, Cdh19, is Required for Sacral NC Migration in ENS Development. Gastroenterology. 2022 Jan;162(162). 42-44. NIHMSID: NIHMS1804289.
Bellen HJ, Hubbard EJA, Lehmann R, Madhani HD, Solnica-Krezel L, Southard-Smith EM. Model organism databases are in jeopardy. Development (Cambridge, England). 2021 Oct 1;148(148).
Deal KK, Chandrashekar AS, Beaman MM, Branch MC, Buehler DP, Conway SJ, Southard-Smith EM. Altered sacral neural crest development in Pax3 spina bifida mutants underlies deficits of bladder innervation and function. Developmental biology. 2021 Aug;476(476). 173-188. NIHMSID: NIHMS1695600.
Ritter KE, Buehler DP, Asher SB, Deal KK, Zhao S, Guo Y, Southard-Smith EM. 5-HT3 Signaling Alters Development of Sacral Neural Crest Derivatives That Innervate the Lower Urinary Tract. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021 Jun 25;22(22).
Deal KK, Rosebrock JC, Eeds AM, DeKeyser JL, Musser MA, Ireland SJ, May-Zhang AA, Buehler DP, Southard-Smith EM. Sox10-cre BAC transgenes reveal temporal restriction of mesenchymal cranial neural crest and identify glandular Sox10 expression. Developmental biology. 2021 Mar;471(471). 119-137. NIHMSID: NIHMS1658610.
May-Zhang AA, Tycksen E, Southard-Smith AN, Deal KK, Benthal JT, Buehler DP, Adam M, Simmons AJ, Monaghan JR, Matlock BK, Flaherty DK, Potter SS, Lau KS, Southard-Smith EM. Combinatorial Transcriptional Profiling of Mouse and Human Enteric Neurons Identifies Shared and Disparate Subtypes In Situ. Gastroenterology. 2021 Feb;160(160). 755-770.e26. NIHMSID: NIHMS1635321.
Perera SN, Williams RM, Lyne R, Stubbs O, Buehler DP, Sauka-Spengler T, Noda M, Micklem G, Southard-Smith EM, Baker CVH. Insights into olfactory ensheathing cell development from a laser-microdissection and transcriptome-profiling approach. Glia. 2020 Dec;68(68). 2550-2584. NIHMSID: EMS94522.
Chan WH, Komada M, Fukushima T, Southard-Smith EM, Anderson CR, Wakefield MJ. RNA-seq of Isolated Chromaffin Cells Highlights the Role of Sex-Linked and Imprinted Genes in Adrenal Medulla Development. Scientific reports. 2019 Mar 8;9(9). 3929 p.
May-Zhang AA, Deal KK, Southard-Smith EM. Optimization of Laser-Capture Microdissection for the Isolation of Enteric Ganglia from Fresh-Frozen Human Tissue. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. 2018 Dec 14. NIHMSID: NIHMS958204.
RIch CA, Perera SN, Andratschke J, Stolt CC, Buehler DP, Southard-Smith EM, Wegner M, Britsch S. Baker CVH. Olfactory ensheathing cells abutting the embryonic olfactory bulb express Frzb, whose deletion disrupts olfactory axon targeting. Glia. 2018 Dec;66(66). 2617-2631. NIHMSID: EMS82850.
Wegner KA, Abler LL, Oakes RR, Mehta G, Ritter KE, Hill WG, Zwaans BM, Lamb LE, Wang Z, Bjorling DE, Ricke WE, Macoska J, Marker PC, Southard-Smith EM, Eliceiri KW, Vezina CM. Void spot assay procedural optimization and software for rapid and objective quantification of rodent voiding function, including overlapping urine spots. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology. 2018 Oct 1;315(315). F1067-F1080.
Ritter K. Wang Z, Vezina M, Bjorling E, Southard-Smith E. Serotonin Receptor 5-HT3A Affects Development of Bladder Innervation and Urinary Bladder Function. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2017 Dec 12. 11:690.
Wiese CB, Deal KK, Ireland SJ, Cantrell VA, Southard-Smith EM. Migration pathways of sacral neural crest during development of lower urogenital tract innervation. Developmental biology. 2017 Sep 1;429(429). 356-369.
Kulkarni S, Micci MA, Leser J, Shin C, Tang SC, Fu YY, Liu L, Li Q, Saha M, Li C, Enikolopov G, Becker L, Rakhilin N, Anderson M, Shen X, Dong X, Butte MJ, Song H, Southard-Smith EM, Kapur RP, Bogunovic M, Pasricha PJ. Adult enteric nervous system in health is maintained by a dynamic balance between neuronal apoptosis and neurogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 May 2;114(114). E3709-E3718.
Ritter KE, Wang Z, Vezina CM, Bjorling DE, Southard-Smith EM. Serotonin Receptor 5-HT3A Affects Development of Bladder Innervation and Urinary Bladder Function. Frontiers in neuroscience. 11(11). 690 p.
Bondurand N, Southard-Smith EM. Mouse models of Hirschsprung disease and other developmental disorders of the enteric nervous system: Old and new players. Developmental biology. 2016 Sep 15;417(417). 139-57. NIHMSID: NIHMS806536.
Hei Chan W, Gonsalvez DG, Young HM, Michelle Southard-Smith E, Cane KN, Anderson CR. Differences in CART expression and cell cycle behavior discriminate sympathetic neuroblast from chromaffin cell lineages in mouse sympathoadrenal cells. Developmental neurobiology. 2016 Feb;76(76). 137-49.
Ritter KE, Southard-Smith EM. Dynamic Expression of Serotonin Receptor 5-HT3A in Developing Sensory Innervation of the Lower Urinary Tract. Frontiers in neuroscience. 10(10). 592 p.
Dravis C, Spike BT, Harrell JC, Johns C, Trejo CL, Southard-Smith EM, Perou CM, Wahl GM. Sox10 Regulates Stem/Progenitor and Mesenchymal Cell States in Mammary Epithelial Cells. Cell reports. 2015 Sep 29;12(12). 2035-48. NIHMSID: NIHMS722490.
Kondo J, Powell AE, Wang Y, Musser MA, Southard-Smith EM, Franklin JL, Coffey RJ. LRIG1 Regulates Ontogeny of Smooth Muscle-Derived Subsets of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Mice. Gastroenterology. 2015 Aug;149(149). 407-419.e8. NIHMSID: NIHMS684852.
Georgas KM, Armstrong J, Keast JR, Larkins CE, McHugh KM, Southard-Smith EM, Cohn MJ, Batourina E, Dan H, Schneider K, Buehler DP, Wiese CB, Brennan J, Davies JA, Harding SD, Baldock RA, Little MH, Vezina CM, Mendelsohn C. An illustrated anatomical ontology of the developing mouse lower urogenital tract. Development (Cambridge, England). 2015 May 15;142(142). 1893-908.
Ikeda K, Takahashi M, Sato S, Igarashi H, Ishizuka T, Yawo H, Arata S, Southard-Smith EM, Kawakami K, Onimaru H. A Phox2b BAC Transgenic Rat Line Useful for Understanding Respiratory Rhythm Generator Neural Circuitry. PloS one. 10(10). e0132475.
Musser MA, Correa H, Southard-Smith EM. Enteric neuron imbalance and proximal dysmotility in ganglionated intestine of the Sox10(Dom/+) Hirschsprung mouse model. Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology. 2015 Jan 1;1(1). 87-101. NIHMSID: NIHMS646759.
Wiese CB, Fleming N, Buehler DP, Southard-Smith EM. A Uchl1-Histone2BmCherry:GFP-gpi BAC transgene for imaging neuronal progenitors. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 2013 Dec;51(51). 852-61. NIHMSID: NIHMS558097.
Musser MA, Michelle Southard-Smith E. Balancing on the crest - Evidence for disruption of the enteric ganglia via inappropriate lineage segregation and consequences for gastrointestinal function. Developmental biology. 2013 Oct 1;382(382). 356-64. NIHMSID: NIHMS441418.
Mundell NA, Plank JL, LeGrone AW, Frist AY, Zhu L, Shin MK, Southard-Smith EM, Labosky PA. Enteric nervous system specific deletion of Foxd3 disrupts glial cell differentiation and activates compensatory enteric progenitors. Developmental biology. 2012 Mar 15;363(363). 373-87. NIHMSID: NIHMS350219.
Wiese CB, Ireland S, Fleming NL, Yu J, Valerius MT, Georgas K, Chiu HS, Brennan J, Armstrong J, Little MH, McMahon AP, Southard-Smith EM. A genome-wide screen to identify transcription factors expressed in pelvic Ganglia of the lower urinary tract. Frontiers in neuroscience. 6(6). 130 p.
Buehler DP, Buehler D, Wiese CB, Wiese C, Skelton SB, Southard-Smith EM, Southard-Smith M. An optimized procedure for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) isolation of autonomic neural progenitors from visceral organs of fetal mice. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. e4188.
Harding SD, Armit C, Armstrong J, Brennan J, Cheng Y, Haggarty B, Houghton D, Lloyd-MacGilp S, Pi X, Roochun Y, Sharghi M, Tindal C, McMahon AP, Gottesman B, Little MH, Georgas K, Aronow BJ, Potter SS, Brunskill EW, Southard-Smith EM, Mendelsohn C, Baldock RA, Davies JA, Davidson D. The GUDMAP database--an online resource for genitourinary research. Development (Cambridge, England). 2011 Jul;138(138). 2845-53.
Corpening JC, Deal KK, Cantrell VA, Skelton SB, Buehler DP, Southard-Smith EM. Isolation and live imaging of enteric progenitors based on Sox10-Histone2BVenus transgene expression. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 2011 Jul;49(49). 599-618. NIHMSID: NIHMS295991.
Walters LC, Cantrell VA, Weller KP, Mosher JT, Southard-Smith EM. Genetic background impacts developmental potential of enteric neural crest-derived progenitors in the Sox10Dom model of Hirschsprung disease. Human molecular genetics. 2010 Nov 15;19(19). 4353-72.
Corpening JC, Cantrell VA, Deal KK, Southard-Smith EM. A Histone2BCerulean BAC transgene identifies differential expression of Phox2b in migrating enteric neural crest derivatives and enteric glia. Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 2008 Apr;237(237). 1119-32. NIHMSID: NIHMS289026.
Boyle S, Misfeldt A, Chandler KJ, Deal KK, Southard-Smith EM, Mortlock DP, Baldwin HS, De Caestecker M. Fate mapping using Cited1-CreERT2 mice demonstrates that the cap mesenchyme contains self-renewing progenitor cells and gives rise exclusively to nephronic epithelia. Developmental biology. 2008 Jan 1;313(313). 234-45. NIHMSID: NIHMS37269.
Chandler KJ, Chandler RL, Broeckelmann EM, Hou Y, Southard-Smith EM, Mortlock DP. Relevance of BAC transgene copy number in mice: transgene copy number variation across multiple transgenic lines and correlations with transgene integrity and expression. Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 2007 Oct;18(18). 693-708. NIHMSID: NIHMS293875.
Broman KW, Sen S, Owens SE, Manichaikul A, Southard-Smith EM, Churchill GA. The X chromosome in quantitative trait locus mapping. Genetics. 2006 Dec;174(174). 2151-8.
Deal KK, Cantrell VA, Chandler RL, Saunders TL, Mortlock DP, Southard-Smith EM. Distant regulatory elements in a Sox10-beta GEO BAC transgene are required for expression of Sox10 in the enteric nervous system and other neural crest-derived tissues. Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 2006 May;235(235). 1413-32.
Hakami RM, Hou L, Baxter LL, Loftus SK, Southard-Smith EM, Incao A, Cheng J, Pavan WJ. Genetic evidence does not support direct regulation of EDNRB by SOX10 in migratory neural crest and the melanocyte lineage. Mechanisms of development. 2006 Feb;123(123). 124-34. NIHMSID: NIHMS6570.
Owens SE, Broman KW, Wiltshire T, Elmore JB, Bradley KM, Smith JR, Southard-Smith EM. Genome-wide linkage identifies novel modifier loci of aganglionosis in the Sox10Dom model of Hirschsprung disease. Human molecular genetics. 2005 Jun 1;14(14). 1549-58.
Cantrell VA, Owens SE, Chandler RL, Airey DC, Bradley KM, Smith JR, Southard-Smith EM. Interactions between Sox10 and EdnrB modulate penetrance and severity of aganglionosis in the Sox10Dom mouse model of Hirschsprung disease. Human molecular genetics. 2004 Oct 1;13(13). 2289-301.
Zhu L, Lee HO, Jordan CS, Cantrell VA, Southard-Smith EM, Shin MK. Spatiotemporal regulation of endothelin receptor-B by SOX10 in neural crest-derived enteric neuron precursors. Nature genetics. 2004 Jul;36(36). 732-7.
Potterf SB, Mollaaghababa R, Hou L, Southard-Smith EM, Hornyak TJ, Arnheiter H, Pavan WJ. Analysis of SOX10 function in neural crest-derived melanocyte development: SOX10-dependent transcriptional control of dopachrome tautomerase. Developmental biology. 2001 Sep 15;237(237). 245-57.
Southard-Smith EM, Collins JE, Ellison JS, Smith KJ, Baxevanis AD, Touchman JW, Green ED, Dunham I, Pavan WJ. Comparative analyses of the Dominant megacolon-SOX10 genomic interval in mouse and human. Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 1999 Jul;10(10). 744-9.
Southard-Smith EM, Angrist M, Ellison JS, Agarwala R, Baxevanis AD, Chakravarti A, Pavan WJ. The Sox10(Dom) mouse: modeling the genetic variation of Waardenburg-Shah (WS4) syndrome. Genome research. 1999 Mar;9(9). 215-25.
Southard-Smith EM, Kos L, Pavan WJ. Sox10 mutation disrupts neural crest development in Dom Hirschsprung mouse model. Nature genetics. 1998 Jan;18(18). 60-4.
Greenwood AD, Southard-Smith EM, Galecki AT, Burke DT. Coordinate control and variation in X-linked gene expression among female mice. Mammalian genome : official journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 8(8). 818-22.
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Southard-Smith M, Pierce JC, MacDonald RJ. Physical mapping of the rat tissue kallikrein family in two gene clusters by analysis of P1 bacteriophage clones. Genomics. 1994 Jul 15;22(22). 404-17.
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Southard-Smith M. MacDonald R.J.. Isolating Reiterated Genes from a Rat Genomic Library constructed with the Bacteriophage P1 System Biotech Update. 345-358.
Wines DR, Brady JM, Southard EM, MacDonald RJ. Evolution of the rat kallikrein gene family: gene conversion leads to functional diversity. Journal of molecular evolution. 1991 Jun;32(32). 476-92.